6 Summer Maintenance Tips for Cars
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June 22, 2021
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6 Summer Maintenance Tips for Cars
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June 22, 2021
During the Summer, you may find that your car is working a little overtime in order to get from point A to point B. During the Summer, your car is working overtime to keep itself at the ideal temperature to work properly.
Take the time to pamper your vehicle every Summer with these 6 Maintenance tips.
Oil Change and Filter
During the summer, there is no need to swap the grade of your oil, but it is still good to invest in oil changes, as well as stay on top of it. Oil Changes make sure that your vehicle is running the best it can. It also ensures that the engine is lubricated properly so that the engine stays healthy.
Intense weather situations can put extra demand on your vehicle, which can take a toll on your oil and filtering system. The filter is used to catch harmful debris that could be in the oil, and a dirty filter might let something slip past that shouldn’t be.
The more materials that are picked up, the cleaner the oil that will be lubricating your engine will be. This is especially important during the summer, as the hot weather can put an extra staring on your vehicle.
Fluid Levels
When the weather starts to change, it is a good sign that you should probably get your fluid levels checked. These changes can especially be seen in transmission fluid, power steering fluid, and coolant.
The most common cause of breakdowns, especially during the summer, is overheating. This is due to the coolant levels being run down enough to not be able to properly cool down the engine. During the summer, your engine runs overtime, and the coolant needs to cool it down or there could be potential issues down the road.
Tire Pressure
Pressure in a tire should be checked often, but more so during the solstice times of year. Winter and Summer are two vastly different seasons around most of the United States. The air in your tire could expand or contract, depending on the temperature it is outside.
Check your tire pressure during the Summer regularly to make sure that the varying temperatures aren’t affecting how you drive. There are many benefits to checking your tire pressure and making sure they are stable. One of the main benefits is a better gas mileage.
There are many different ways to tell if your alignment for your tires is off. A shaking steering wheel, your car pulling to one side, or your steering wheel being off center are some signs to name a few.
Tire alignments can help to extend the life span of your tires, which in turn will allow you to not have to go get them changed unless it is extremely important to. This means more fun in the sun, and less boredom at the mechanic.
Testing Battery Life
The battery is a main component in your vehicle that makes sure your car is able to start by powering the starter. Summer heat tends to make it so you lose fluid faster, which in turn oxidizes the components of your battery.
Getting your battery tested before larger trips in your vehicle will ensure that you are notified of an issue before you join the other travelers. If there isn’t a problem, at least you will know that you are safe.
Brakes in a vehicle are the bread and butter of safe driving. Without them, you will end up in more accidents than not. During the summer, especially in tourist attraction states, stop and go traffic is a normal occurrence.
Making sure that your brakes are up for the challenge will ensure that you are ready for everything that this Summer will throw at you.
Blog By Brooke Lazar
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