Trunk Or Treat: Tips and Tricks for Vehicle Safety
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October 27, 2021
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Trunk Or Treat: Tips and Tricks for Vehicle Safety
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October 27, 2021
What is Trunk or Treat?
Trunk-or-Treat, a sensation that has been growing more and more popular over the years, seems to be the new norm when it comes to schools and children’s programs. However, some may not know what it is.
Trunk-or-Treat is an event that happens around Halloween, which bands together parents, teachers, and even extended family members to a small area. Children walk around dressed in their costumes and collect candy from open car trunks decorated to match the Halloween spirit.
What does this have to do with DriveSmart, you may ask? Depending on what decorations are used, clean-up could be an issue. If clean-up is an issue, many things could go wrong with your vehicle as a result. DriveSmart wants to give you some tips on how to Trunk-or-Treat with the health of your vehicle in mind.
Let’s start from the beginning and see what Trunk-or-Treat fun we can turn from hazardous to safe for your mode of transportation.
Pick a Theme
The theme is the most important part of a trunk-or-treat event. Many other people are decorating their trunks to look like haunted houses, pumpkins, and other Halloween-themed things. Keep this in mind when you are trying to pick the best theme to stand out from the rest.
Pick something that will not take up a lot of time or money to decorate, but will be able to stand out as creative. Think outside the box when you are researching ideas. Here are some ideas from our DIY friends on Pinterest that could help you decide.
Remember that some of the Trunk or Treat ideas in the list above could not be the best for when you are driving to the event. Safety is the main concern when en route, so be prepared to potentially have to set up some things at the destination, before the event begins.
Choose Decorations Wisely
Decorations are a large part of the Trunk-or-Treat experience. You cannot just show up to an event without decorating for the part. The design is half the fun of the experience! Remember that each decoration that you have could potentially be a downfall for your vehicle.
Once your theme is chosen, it is in your best interest to go to the nearest dollar store and purchase as many related decorations as possible, then move to more expensive stores after that, if necessary. Remember, school-aged children don’t care about prices, just about looks.
Not Too Crowded
Don’t overdo it. It can be easy to get carried away when it comes to decorating. Remember these 3 tips that DriveSmart has developed to keep your decorations reigned in.
- Leave Room to Sit – You are going to be at this event for potentially a few hours. Standing the whole time is irrational. Leave room for yourself and one other person to sit down in your trunk.
- Children are Handsy – Children will touch anything that intrigues them. If you have hanging decorations, make sure they are secure but don’t have too many hands-on things.
- Work Outside In – Take your time and work from the perimeter of your trunk. Imagine your trunk is like a picture, decorate the frame before you start to edit the picture itself.
The Clean-Up
When all is said and done, clean up is something that is a guaranteed after effect of Trunk or treats. Whether you do it right after the event, or a few days after, it needs to be done. It can be hazardous driving around with a fully decorated trunk.
Be sure to clean the carpets inside of your vehicle, as children’s hands can get sticky from candy consumption, and can ruin your interior. Treat your trunk like you would your back seat when you clean up after a long Trunk-or-Treat event.
Make sure to vacuum all of the crevasses in your vehicle, and even underneath your seats. You never know what scary surprises can be lurking around your vehicle.
Remember that a lot of your decorations, if they get into the nitty-gritty parts of your vehicle, can cause a lot of damage. Streamers can get wrapped around important parts of your vehicle, fake spider webs can constrict others.
Be aware of the things that need to be cleaned and make sure they are properly disposed of away from your vehicle.
The Scariest Part of Halloween
When it comes to Halloween, the scariest part to us is that people are driving around without an extended warranty. When your vehicle makes sounds like a zombie, wouldn’t you want to feel better knowing you can take it to a mechanic to get fixed with no issue?
When your vehicle breaks down in the middle of the night, you hear weird noises, and see small little glowing eyes staring at you. Wouldn’t you feel safer knowing that not only does your DriveSmart Warranty offer you Roadside assistance, but little to no cost mechanic shop stops?
Get a DriveSmart Warranty and worry no more!
Written by: Brooke Lazar
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